
The islands boast a unique cultural tradition in the form of bullfighting, which has been practiced in the region for centuries. Bullfights, or ‘touradas’ as they are known in the Azores, are a popular event on the islands, drawing large crowds of spectators to watch the thrilling spectacles. The fights are held in special bullrings, where two specially trained bulls are pitted against each other in a battle of strength and agility. The bulls are usually equipped with protective leather vests and their horns are blunted to prevent injury. The fights take place in a unique and traditional way, with the bulls being led by a group of men known as ‘forcados’ who use their bodies and strength to control the animals and eventually bring them down. The forcados then remain in the ring, attempting to hold the bull down in the center of the ring, while the crowd cheers and applauds.

The bullfights in the Azores are a special experience, with the crowds often singing traditional songs and the atmosphere being passionate and festive. They are a great opportunity to experience the culture and traditions of the Azores, and to witness a unique event that has been part of the islands’ culture for centuries. While bullfighting is a controversial topic in many other parts of the world, it is still a deeply rooted tradition in the Azores, and locals and tourists alike flock to the islands to enjoy the spectacle

The fights provide a unique opportunity to witness a centuries-old tradition in a beautiful setting, and to gain a deeper understanding of the culture and history of the Azores.

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